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21. 4. 2021

Dear authors,
This is to inform you about some changes in publishing of our journal. In order to make the whole process more flexible and have your articles published as soon as possible, we are changing the schedule to Open Volume, i.e. after peer review, corrections and approval by the Editorial Board, the articles will be published one by one after they will be prepared into the article pdf. There will be no more waiting for inclusion into an issue.
Likewise, our publisher Sciendo under De Gruyter is presently making some innovations, also chaning their platform, see
We are now requested to include the Creative Commons copyright information on the title page of each article, and we also have to include the two statements as follows:
Conflict of Interest
The authors declared no conflicts of interest with respect to research, authorship and publication of this article.
Ethical Compliance
The authors have followed the ethical standards in conducting the research and preparing the manuscript.
The second statement is intended for articles other than those concerning human or animal studies (those need to have an informed consent or approval of the ethical committee for animal studies).
We are looking forward to publishing your contributions.
Eva Baranyiová, Editor-in-Chief, ATS
Ivo Pavlík, Chairman, Editorial Board, ATS